Monday, August 12, 2013

If I'd forgotten how to sing before I'd sung this song I'll write it all across the wall before my job is done And I'll even have the courtesy of admitting I was wrong As the final words before I'm dead and gone......Thank you Brendon Urie and Panic! at the Disco.

Daily thoughts from the “Evil Queen” throne….or whatever enters my mind….Bwah hah hah!!
So what thoughts cross my mind in my throne….good question my friends. I can report that my scary writing has jumped rather well. But when my own writing scares me I need to mellow the heck out. Or not. What do people like to read? I personally love a good scary book. Seeing my glowing face in the mirror across the long hall from me in the dark while reading said scary book not quite as fun. But it is darn funny.

When you read a book do you read different characters with different voices? I do with some characters. I have favorite books with characters that I love and have created voices and personalities for them. Does whether you like a character or not affect how you read them? If a character is really a hateful one I hear a sinister voice, a voice that can set your teeth on edge.

If you write do you guide your character or does the character guide your writing. I have been asked by my test readers about characters in my stories about where they are going or what is going to happen with them. My answer is always I don’t know, they haven’t told me. It’s true too. I have an idea of the path that my story will take but when I am writing the characters and actions write themselves as I am going.
The real problem lays with when they stop talking to me. I can be going really good and be distracted for just 30 seconds and it’s all gone. Or worse when we had the fire and I thought I had lost it all on my computer. Thankfully Scotty was checking his email and he realized that I had sent it to him.  I have it again but I lost my train of thought. I lost my characters.

Maybe that is what my attraction to my “throne” is. Maybe I am hoping that I can recapture that fire fly in a jar again. Is this writer’s block? Or was my book not as good as I thought it was? I feel like maybe they are still there, I just need to reconnect with them. Like an old friend you run into after years of being apart. I really hope it is that way me with my book.

I have started writing again though, I started a book that I am not sure where it is going, where it has been, or how old it will get. I am just goofing off……

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